
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Skipping Christmas - Discussion Questions

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and Holiday weekend! I also hope everyone is enjoying the book, Skipping Christmas. (or enjoyed it if you finished!) I think it is a funny book! Our next meeting isn't until the second week of January but I found a few questions that might spark discussion. If you've read it, (or not) please feel free to answer these questions in a comment below. Have a safe and happy new years everyone! :)

1. As you were reading the book, did you find yourself siding with or against the Krank's as they skipped Christmas?

2. Do you think it is possible to skip Christmas entirely?

3. If you skipped Christmas, what traditions, etc would you miss the most?

4. Has this book affected how you will view the Christmas season next year?


  1. im terrible..i once again didnt read the book. i feel like a terrible book club member! there seriously are just not enough hours in the day and milo's naps are quickie cat naps now. gahh! next book.

  2. I watched the movie and really liked it! I was lame and didn't read the book either only cause I was scrambling to finish the 4 books my mother sent me and I needed to return when we came out for Christmas! (although I ended up forgetting them anyways...)
    But I will answer the questions anyways...
    #1 YES!! I mean not to the crazy extreme that they did but if we had no one to come home for Christmas and or no where to go, why not!?!
    #2 I think its possible to try to avoid your end of Christmas but ultimately someone is going to send you a Christmas card, present, greeting, etc.
    #3If I skipped Christmas I think I would miss decorating the most and watching people open presents. Its always fun to see people get new things.
    #4 I think as I get older I start thinking more into the "spirit of christmas" and less about the materialistic side!
